- ソーシャルワーク教育(10月)
- 多文化共生(11月)
- 高齢者支援実践(12月)
- 障害者支援実践(1月)
- コミュニティソーシャルワーク(2月)
- 家庭支援実践(3月①)
- 子ども支援実践(3月②)
- 日本ソーシャルワーク教育学校連盟
- 日本ソーシャルワーカー連盟(日本社会福祉士会、日本精神保健福祉士協会、日本医療ソーシャルワーカー協会、日本ソーシャルワーカー協会)
- 日本ソーシャルワーク学会
- 日本社会福祉教育学会
We concluded the International Study Exchange Seminar Series between the School of Social Work at McGill University and the Japan College of Social Work
Between October, 2024 and March, 2025, we held International Study Exchange Seminars between the School of Social Work at McGill University and the Japan College of Social Work, and engaged in mutual presentations and discussion by academics at the two schools.
We exchanged information and news of social welfare systems and social work practice between Quebec. Canada and Japan, and set the following topics to explore the possibilities of future practice, education, and systems.
- Social Work Education (October)
- Cross-cultural Practice and Multiculturalism (November)
- Practice with Elderly Persons (December)
- Practice with Persons Living with Disabilities (January)
- Community Social Work (February)
- Practice with Families (March①)
- Practice with Children (March②)
Below is the playlist of the video recordings with consecutive interpretation for all months.
Also, this is a brief summary report (slide collection) of the whole project.
The project was coordinated by Prof. Noriko Kido of JCSW (Head, Correspondence Course) and Prof.Nicole Ives of McGill University, and moderated by Prof. Machiko Ohara and A/Prof.Viktor Virag (Head, Department of Social Administration) from JCSW.
We are grateful to all presenters and the following supporting organizations.
- Japanese Association for Social Work Education
- Japanese Federation of Social Workers (Japanese Association of Certified Social Workers/Japanese Association of Mental Health Social Workers/Japanese Association of Social Workers in Health Services/Japanese Association of Social Workers)
- Japanese Society for the Study of Social Work
- Japanese Society for the Study of Social Welfare Education